Office of the Speaker

Es gibt 729 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 50.036 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Serena Hobbs.

  • Welcome to the Assembly, Gentleman.


    Kathleen Teresa Johnson (D-AS)

    Governor of the State of Astoria
    Former U.S. Senator for Astoria | Former Chairwoman, Congressional Committee on Justice and Ethics
    Former Commoner of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria | Former Speaker of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria

  • Handlung

    Hatte schon zur Tat angesetzt, als ihr in den Sinn kam, dass Sie einen Grund für die Nichtberücksichtigung gehabt hatte.

    Bedaure, Sir, Ihre Parteifreundin hat den Antrag gestellt, in der Zwischenzeit aber die USERS-Registerierung verloren.


    Kathleen Teresa Johnson (D-AS)

    Governor of the State of Astoria
    Former U.S. Senator for Astoria | Former Chairwoman, Congressional Committee on Justice and Ethics
    Former Commoner of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria | Former Speaker of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria

  • QWelcome, Ma'am.


    Kathleen Teresa Johnson (D-AS)

    Governor of the State of Astoria
    Former U.S. Senator for Astoria | Former Chairwoman, Congressional Committee on Justice and Ethics
    Former Commoner of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria | Former Speaker of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria

  • Commoner Peterson,
    ich kann nicht für den Senat sprechen, weise aber darauf hin, dass es weder Recht, noch Praxis ist, im Falle der Vakanz eines Amtes die Geschäfte auszusetzen.

    Als Speaker ist es meine Aufgabe, die Einhaltung des Rechts in den Geschäftsgängen sicherzustellen. Da die Assembly bereits einen Wahlgang zum Senator for Astoria durchgeführt hat, dessen Ergebnis lediglich nicht rechtswirksam festgestellt werden kann, sehr ich mich außer Stande, Ihrem Antrag zu entsprechen.


    Kathleen Teresa Johnson (D-AS)

    Governor of the State of Astoria
    Former U.S. Senator for Astoria | Former Chairwoman, Congressional Committee on Justice and Ethics
    Former Commoner of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria | Former Speaker of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria

  • Mr Speaker pro tempore,
    unter den Bestimmungen des November 2018 Special Senatorial Election Acts erkläre ich hiermit den Verzicht auf meine Kandidatur vom 01. Oktober 2018.


    Kathleen Teresa Johnson (D-AS)

    Governor of the State of Astoria
    Former U.S. Senator for Astoria | Former Chairwoman, Congressional Committee on Justice and Ethics
    Former Commoner of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria | Former Speaker of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria

  • Sobald Sie Ihre Akkreditierung unter Vorlage Ihrer Citizenship Card bei mir beantragt haben, Sir.


    Kathleen Teresa Johnson (D-AS)

    Governor of the State of Astoria
    Former U.S. Senator for Astoria | Former Chairwoman, Congressional Committee on Justice and Ethics
    Former Commoner of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria | Former Speaker of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria

  • Das werde ich in Kürze offiziell vermerken. Dennoch haben Sie bereits die Stellung eines Commoners.


    Kathleen Teresa Johnson (D-AS)

    Governor of the State of Astoria
    Former U.S. Senator for Astoria | Former Chairwoman, Congressional Committee on Justice and Ethics
    Former Commoner of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria | Former Speaker of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria

  • Das werde wohl ich sein, Commoner.


    Kathleen Teresa Johnson (D-AS)

    Governor of the State of Astoria
    Former U.S. Senator for Astoria | Former Chairwoman, Congressional Committee on Justice and Ethics
    Former Commoner of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria | Former Speaker of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria

  • Mr Speaker,
    gemäß Art. III Sec. 2 Ssc. 2 Sen. 2 der ASConst benenne ich Mr Clifford H. Burry zur Wahrnehmung meines Mandates in der Assembly für die Dauer meiner Amtszeit als Governor.

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