Outdated Publications of the Department of Commerce

Es gibt 88 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 17.647 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Department of Commerce.

  • Zitat

    Original von Alexander Xanathos
    Es ist aber auch ganz schön bezeichnend, dass dich dein eigenes Regierungsteam so hängen lässt und dir Informationen vorenthält ...


    Niemand hat ihm diese Informationen vorenthalten; sie waren schlicht und ergreifend auch niemandem in der Regierung bekannt...

    [color=#333333][align=center][font='Times New Roman']XXII. PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES
    · · ·

  • Zitat

    Original von Alexander Xanathos
    Malroy war kein Regierungsmitglied? Interessante Auffassung ... Dann war er wirklich scheintot ... :D


    Als Regierungsmitglied am Ende so brauchbar wie Vice President Beringer nach ihrem Verschwinden. Oder hat sie Informationen weitergegeben, wie das Gespräch mit Futuna weiterging, nachdem es öffentlich keine Reaktion mehr gab? ;)

    [color=#333333][align=center][font='Times New Roman']XXII. PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES
    · · ·

  • Federal Salary List for December 2008

    - Astoria City, August 15th, 2009 -

    Group A - Regierungsmitglieder

    • AIII: President of United States: Robert O'Neill: 1500,00 A$
    • AII: Vice President of the United Staates: Kimberly Beringer: 675,00 A$
    • AII: Vice President of the United Staates: Jerry Cotton: 337,50 A$
    • AI: Secretary of Defense: Alricio Scriptatore: 600,00 A$
    • AI: Secretary of Intelligence Affairs: Justin Wayne: 600 A$
    • AI: Secretary of the Interior: Jerry Cotton: 600,00 A$
    • AI: Attorney General: Alexander Xanathos: 600,00 A$
    • AI: Secretary of Trade and Treasury: Cole Howell: 300,00 A$
    • AI: Secretary of State: Steve McQueen: 300,00 A$

    Group B - Abgeordnete und Senatoren

    • BIII: Speaker of the United States House of Representatives: Romy C. Lanter-Davis: 450,00 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Jerry Cotton: 206,25 A$ [1/2, da Besoldung nach A]
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Declan Fitch: 103,13 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Steve McQueen: 206,25 A$ [1/2, da Besoldung nach A]
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Anthony J. Davenport: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: John R. Kerchevall: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Alexander Xanathos: 51,56 A$ [1/2, da Besoldung nach A]
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Jason Caldwell: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: John E. Prescott: 412,50 A$
    • BII: President of Senate: Alricio Scriptatore: 217,50 A$ [1/2, da Besoldung nach A]
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Justin Wayne: 206,25 $ [1/2, da Besoldung nach A]
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Edmund S. Malroy: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Jeffrey Filmore: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Jenson Wakaby: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Lance B. Jackson: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Armin Schwertfeger: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Cole Howell: 206,25 A$ [1/2, da Besoldung nach A]

    Group C - Diplomatisches Personal

    • CI: Ambassador to the Kingdom of Albernia: Tom Norstad: 210 A$
    • CI: Ambassador to the Chinopian Empire: Alexander Xanathos: 0,00 A$ [Verzicht]
    • CI: Ambassador to the Democratic Union: George Lewis: 0,00 A$ [Keine Aktivität]
    • CI: Ambassador to the United Empire: Romy C. Lanter-Davis: 210 A$

    Group D - Offiziere der Streitkräfte

    • DXI: Commandant of the United States Marine Corps: Steve McQueen: 255,00 A$
    • DXI: Chief of Staff of the United States Army: Gen. Abraham W. Creighton, Jr: 0 A$ [Kein Konto vorhanden]
    • DXI: Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force: Gen. Greg D. Oliver: 0 A$ [Kein Konto vorhanden]
    • DXI: Chief of Naval Operations: Adm. Clara Paulson: 0,00 A$ [Verzicht]
    • DIX: Commandant of the USS Astoria: VAdm. T.J. Kelvin: 210,00 A$
    • DIX: Commander of the Special Operations Command: Lt. Gen. Jack T. Cooper: 140,00 A$ [2/3, da kein aktiver Einsatz]

    Group E - Angestellte bundespolizeilicher Behörden

    • EIII: Director des CIS: George Lewis: 0,00 A$ [Keine Aktivität]
    • EI: Agent des CIS: Chester Haig: 0,00 A$ [Kein Konto vorhanden]

    Group F - Sonstige

    • FI: Chief-Archivist of the USA: Archive Archivar: 0,00 A$ [Verzicht]
    • FII: Director of the United States Electoral Office: Samantha Cunningham: 0,00 A$ [Verzicht]
    • FIII: Director of the Federal Reserve Bank: Daniel Woodrow Kennay: 0,00 A$ [Verzicht]
    • FV: Chief Justice: Ulysses S. Finnegan jr.: 450,00 A$

  • Federal Salary List for January 2009

    - Astoria City, August 15th, 2009 -

    Group A - Regierungsmitglieder

    • AIII: President of United States: Robert O'Neill: 1500,00 A$
    • AII: Vice President of the United Staates: Jerry Cotton: 1350,00 A$

    Group B - Abgeordnete und Senatoren

    • BIII: Speaker of the United States House of Representatives: Romy C. Lanter-Davis: 450,00 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Declan Fitch: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Steve McQueen: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Anthony J. Davenport: 103,13 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Tom Norstad: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Alexander Xanathos: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Jason Caldwell: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: John E. Prescott: 412,50 A$
    • BII: President of Senate: Alricio Scriptatore: 435,00 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Justin Wayne: 412,50 $
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Edmund S. Malroy: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Jeffrey Filmore: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Jenson Wakaby: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Lance B. Jackson: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Armin Schwertfeger: 103,13 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Cole Howell: 412,50 $

  • Federal Salary List for February 2009

    - Astoria City, August 15th, 2009 -

    Group B - Abgeordnete und Senatoren

    • BIII: Speaker of the United States House of Representatives: Romy C. Lanter-Davis: 450,00 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Declan Fitch: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Steve McQueen: 206,25 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Richard D. Templeton: 103,13 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Albert von Mauerbach: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Tom Norstad: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Jerry Cotton: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: Jason Caldwell: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the House of Representatives: John E. Prescott: 412,50 A$
    • BII: President of Senate: Alricio Scriptatore: 435,00 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Alexander Xanathos: 412,50 $
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Roger McGuinnes: 103,13 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Jeffrey Filmore: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Jenson Wakaby: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Lance B. Jackson: 412,50 A$
    • BI: Member of the Senate: Cole Howell: 412,50 $

  • - Ex officio the Secretary of Commerce -
    Newman Building, Astoria City
    7th of February, 2014

    Update of Statistical Data, February 2014

    Das Department of Commerce gibt die folgenden Änderungen und dadurch entstandenen neuen Werte bekannt, erhoben am 6. Februar 2014.

    Folgende Daten wurden zum 6. Februar 2014, 00:00 Uhr festgestellt:

      - Anzahl der Federal-IDs: 25
      - Anzahl der State-IDs: 32
      - Einwohnerzahl: 209,551,500
      - Erwerbsquote: 63.5%
      - Jährlicher Brutto-Durchschnittslohn: 45,790$
      - Gesamtzahl der Beiträge im Forum: 289,457

    Daher ergeben sich folgende Änderungen (und dementsprechend neue Werte):

    [list]- Bevölkerungswachstum: 0.55%
    - Einwohnerzahl: 210,704,034 (+ 1,152,534)

    - Änderung der Erwerbsquote: 2.44%
    - Erwerbsquote: 65.94%

    - Änderung des jährlichen Durchschnittslohns: 0.4%
    - Jährlicher Durchschnittslohn: 45,973$ (+ 183$)

  • Director of the Office of Labor Statistics
    - Ex officio the Secretary of Commerce -
    4th of March, 2014

    Update of Statistical Data, March 2014

    Das Department of Commerce gibt die folgenden Änderungen und dadurch entstandenen neuen Werte bekannt, erhoben am 4. März 2014.

    Folgende Daten wurden zum 4. März 2014, 00:00 Uhr festgestellt:

      - Anzahl der Federal-IDs: 25
      - Anzahl der State-IDs: 33
      - Einwohnerzahl: 210,704,034
      - Erwerbsquote: 65.98%
      - Jährlicher Brutto-Durchschnittslohn: 45,973$
      - Gesamtzahl der Beiträge im Forum: 292,756

    Daher ergeben sich folgende Änderungen (und dementsprechend neue Werte):

    [list]- Bevölkerungswachstum: 0.05%
    - Einwohnerzahl: 210,809,386 (+ 105,325)

    - Änderung der Erwerbsquote: +0.80%
    - Erwerbsquote: 66.74%

    - Änderung des jährlichen Durchschnittslohns: 0.0%
    - Jährlicher Durchschnittslohn: 45,973$ (+ 0$)

  • Director of the Office of Labor Statistics
    - Ex officio the Secretary of Commerce -
    7th of April, 2014

    Update of Statistical Data, April 2014

    Das Department of Commerce gibt die folgenden Änderungen und dadurch entstandenen neuen Werte bekannt, erhoben am 7. April 2014.

    Folgende Daten wurden zum 7. April 2014, 00:00 Uhr festgestellt:

      - Anzahl der Federal-IDs: 20
      - Anzahl der State-IDs: 30
      - Einwohnerzahl: 210,809,386
      - Erwerbsquote: 66.74%
      - Jährlicher Brutto-Durchschnittslohn: 45,973$
      - Gesamtzahl der Beiträge im Forum: 295,422

    Daher ergeben sich folgende Änderungen (und dementsprechend neue Werte):

    [list]- Bevölkerungswachstum: -0.07%
    - Einwohnerzahl: 210,661,820 (- 147,566)

    - Änderung der Erwerbsquote: -0.12%
    - Erwerbsquote: 66.62%

    - Änderung des jährlichen Durchschnittslohns: -0.5%
    - Jährlicher Durchschnittslohn: 45,743$ (- 230$)

  • Director of the Office of Labor Statistics
    - Ex officio the Secretary of Commerce -
    7th of May, 2014

    Update of Statistical Data, May 2014

    Das Department of Commerce gibt die folgenden Änderungen und dadurch entstandenen neuen Werte bekannt, erhoben am 6. Mai 2014.

    Folgende Daten wurden zum 6. Mai 2014, 00:00 Uhr festgestellt:

      - Anzahl der Federal-IDs: 23
      - Anzahl der State-IDs: 29
      - Einwohnerzahl: 210,661,820
      - Erwerbsquote: 66.62%
      - Jährlicher Brutto-Durchschnittslohn: 45,743 $
      - Gesamtzahl der Beiträge im Forum: 297,470

    Daher ergeben sich folgende Änderungen (und dementsprechend neue Werte):

    [list]- Bevölkerungswachstum: +0.1%
    - Einwohnerzahl: 210,872,482 (+ 210,662)

    - Änderung der Erwerbsquote: -0.16%
    - Erwerbsquote: 66.46%

    - Änderung des jährlichen Durchschnittslohns: +0.3%
    - Jährlicher Durchschnittslohn: 45,880 $ (+ 137 $)

  • The Secretary of Commerce
    7th of May, 2014

    Federal Salary List, April 2014

    Das Department of Commerce hat zum heutigen Tage die Gehälter für April ausbezahlt.

    Nachfolgend findet sich eine Statistik der ausgezahlten Gehälter, gebündelt nach Gehaltsgruppen.
    Die Anhänge beinhalten eine detailliertere Aufstellung der Gehaltsgruppen C1 bis C5.

    Federal Salary List for April 2014

    Federal Government
    A1: 1 x 20,000 $ = 20,000 $
    A2: 1 x 15,000 $ = 15,000 $
    A3: 3 x 15,000 $ = 45,000 $
    A4: 0
    = 80,000 $

    United States Congress
    B1: 2 x 16,500 $ = 66,000 $
    B2: 4 x 10,000 $ = 80,000 $
    B3: 4 x 14,000 $ = 112,000 $
    = 258,000 $

    Federal Authorities
    C1: 9 x 8,000 $ = 72,000 $
    C2: 256 x 7,000 $ = 1,792,000 $
    C3: 37,860 x 6,000 $ = 227,160,000 $
    C4: 199,110 x 5,000 $ = 995,550,000 $
    C5: 829,530 x 4,500 $ = 3,732,885,000 $
    = 4,957,459,000 $

    D1: 1 x 16,500 $ = 16,500 $
    D2: 2 x 15,000 $ = 30,000 $
    D3: 3 x 14,000 $ = 42,000 $
    = 88,500 $

    = 4,957,756,500 $ (Gesamt)

    Appendix I: Gehaltsgruppe C1

    0 Assistent Director of the United States Secret Service
    0 Associate Director of the Central Intelligence Service
    0 Deputy Director of the United States Secret Service
    0 Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations
    0 Deputy Director of the Office of Homeland Security
    220 General Officers of the Armed Forces
    -- 76 Army
    -- 54 Navy
    -- 70 Air Force
    -- 20 Marine Corps
    0 Privacy Protection Commissioner
    1 Press Secretary of the White House
    0 United States Attorney
    6 United States Marshal
    29 United States Minister Resident

    Appendix II: Gehaltsgruppe C2

    1 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
    0 Chief of the Capitol Police
    0 Chief of the Federal Reserve Bank Police
    0 Chief of the Military Police
    1 Chief of Naval Operations
    0 Chief of the Supreme Court of the United States Police
    1 Chief of Staff of the Army
    1 Chief of Staff of the Air Force
    1 Chief of Staff of the White House
    1 Commandant of the Marine Corps
    0 Commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission
    0 Commissioner of the United States Customs and Border Protection
    0 Director of the Astorian Space Exploration Association
    0 Director of the Banking Supervisory Authority?
    0 Director of the Central Intelligence Service
    0 Director of the Electoral Office
    0 Director of the Federal Aviation Administration
    0 Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations
    0 Director of the Federal Highway Administration
    0 Director of the Federal Railroad Administration
    1 Director of the Federal Reserve Bank
    0 Director of the Office of Homeland Security
    0 Director of the Office of Labor Statistics
    0 Director of the Registration Office
    0 Director of the United States Marshals Service
    0 Director of the United States Secret Service
    0 General Commander of the Military Intelligence Service
    1 Solicitor General
    1 United States Ambassador

    Appendix III: Gehaltsgruppe C3 bis C5

    650,000 Armed Forces
    -- C3: 22,750
    -- C4: 84,500
    -- C5: 542,750

    120,000 Department of Commerce (incl. FRB, CBP, OLS, Maritime Com.,
    Costal Guard, Railroad/Highway/Aviation Adm. plus respective Police Forces)
    -- C3: 4,200
    -- C4: 15,500
    -- C5: 100,300

    30,000 Department of Defence
    -- C3: 1,050
    -- C4: 3,900
    -- C5: 25,050

    50,000 FBI
    -- C3: 1,750
    -- C4: 6,500
    -- C5: 41,750

    4,000 United States Marshal Service
    -- C3: 140
    -- C4: 520
    -- C5: 3,340

    6,000 Secret Service
    -- C3: 210
    -- C4: 780
    -- C5: 5,010

    15,000 Military Intelligence Service
    -- C3: 525
    -- C4: 1,950
    -- C5: 12,525

    20,000 Central Intelligence Service
    -- C3: 700
    -- C4: 2,600
    -- C5: 16,700

    100,000 Department of Justice (incl. RO, EO, Federal Attorneys)
    -- C3: 3,500
    -- C4: 13,000
    -- C5: 83,500

    50,000 Department of State (incl. Foreign Service)
    -- C3: 1,750
    -- C4: 6,500
    -- C5: 41,750

    5,000 Executive Office of the President of the United States
    -- C3: 175
    -- C4: 650
    -- C5: 4,175

    500 Supreme Court and Federal Courts (incl. SCOTUS Police)
    -- C3: 20
    -- C4: 70
    -- C5: 410

    1,000 United States Congress (incl. Library, Capitol Police)
    -- C3: 40
    -- C4: 140
    -- C5: 820

    15,000 ASEA
    -- C3: 1,050
    -- C4: 4,000
    -- C5: 9,950

  • - in officio, the President of the United States -
    7th of June, 2014

    Federal Salary List, May 2014

    Das Department of Commerce hat zum heutigen Tage die Gehälter für Mai ausbezahlt.

    Nachfolgend findet sich eine Statistik der ausgezahlten Gehälter, gebündelt nach Gehaltsgruppen.
    Die Anhänge beinhalten eine detailliertere Aufstellung der Gehaltsgruppen C1 bis C5.

    Federal Salary List for April 2014

    Federal Government
    A1: 1 x 20,000 $ = 20,000 $
    A2: 1 x 15,000 $ = 15,000 $
    A3: 3 x 15,000 $ = 45,000 $
    A4: 0
    = 80,000 $

    United States Congress
    B1: 2 x 16,500 $ = 66,000 $
    B2: 4 x 10,000 $ = 80,000 $
    B3: 4 x 14,000 $ = 112,000 $
    = 258,000 $

    Federal Authorities
    C1: 9 x 8,000 $ = 72,000 $
    C2: 256 x 7,000 $ = 1,792,000 $
    C3: 37,860 x 6,000 $ = 227,160,000 $
    C4: 199,110 x 5,000 $ = 995,550,000 $
    C5: 829,530 x 4,500 $ = 3,732,885,000 $
    = 4,957,459,000 $

    D1: 1 x 16,500 $ = 16,500 $
    D2: 2 x 15,000 $ = 30,000 $
    D3: 3 x 14,000 $ = 42,000 $
    = 88,500 $

    = 4,957,756,500 $ (Gesamt)

    Appendix I: Gehaltsgruppe C1

    0 Assistent Director of the United States Secret Service
    0 Associate Director of the Central Intelligence Service
    0 Deputy Director of the United States Secret Service
    0 Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations
    0 Deputy Director of the Office of Homeland Security
    220 General Officers of the Armed Forces
    -- 76 Army
    -- 54 Navy
    -- 70 Air Force
    -- 20 Marine Corps
    0 Privacy Protection Commissioner
    1 Press Secretary of the White House
    0 United States Attorney
    6 United States Marshal
    29 United States Minister Resident

    Appendix II: Gehaltsgruppe C2

    1 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
    0 Chief of the Capitol Police
    0 Chief of the Federal Reserve Bank Police
    0 Chief of the Military Police
    1 Chief of Naval Operations
    0 Chief of the Supreme Court of the United States Police
    1 Chief of Staff of the Army
    1 Chief of Staff of the Air Force
    1 Chief of Staff of the White House
    1 Commandant of the Marine Corps
    0 Commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission
    0 Commissioner of the United States Customs and Border Protection
    0 Director of the Astorian Space Exploration Association
    0 Director of the Banking Supervisory Authority?
    0 Director of the Central Intelligence Service
    0 Director of the Electoral Office
    0 Director of the Federal Aviation Administration
    0 Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations
    0 Director of the Federal Highway Administration
    0 Director of the Federal Railroad Administration
    1 Director of the Federal Reserve Bank
    0 Director of the Office of Homeland Security
    0 Director of the Office of Labor Statistics
    0 Director of the Registration Office
    0 Director of the United States Marshals Service
    0 Director of the United States Secret Service
    0 General Commander of the Military Intelligence Service
    1 Solicitor General
    1 United States Ambassador

    Appendix III: Gehaltsgruppe C3 bis C5

    650,000 Armed Forces
    -- C3: 22,750
    -- C4: 84,500
    -- C5: 542,750

    120,000 Department of Commerce (incl. FRB, CBP, OLS, Maritime Com.,
    Costal Guard, Railroad/Highway/Aviation Adm. plus respective Police Forces)
    -- C3: 4,200
    -- C4: 15,500
    -- C5: 100,300

    30,000 Department of Defence
    -- C3: 1,050
    -- C4: 3,900
    -- C5: 25,050

    50,000 FBI
    -- C3: 1,750
    -- C4: 6,500
    -- C5: 41,750

    4,000 United States Marshal Service
    -- C3: 140
    -- C4: 520
    -- C5: 3,340

    6,000 Secret Service
    -- C3: 210
    -- C4: 780
    -- C5: 5,010

    15,000 Military Intelligence Service
    -- C3: 525
    -- C4: 1,950
    -- C5: 12,525

    20,000 Central Intelligence Service
    -- C3: 700
    -- C4: 2,600
    -- C5: 16,700

    100,000 Department of Justice (incl. RO, EO, Federal Attorneys)
    -- C3: 3,500
    -- C4: 13,000
    -- C5: 83,500

    50,000 Department of State (incl. Foreign Service)
    -- C3: 1,750
    -- C4: 6,500
    -- C5: 41,750

    5,000 Executive Office of the President of the United States
    -- C3: 175
    -- C4: 650
    -- C5: 4,175

    500 Supreme Court and Federal Courts (incl. SCOTUS Police)
    -- C3: 20
    -- C4: 70
    -- C5: 410

    1,000 United States Congress (incl. Library, Capitol Police)
    -- C3: 40
    -- C4: 140
    -- C5: 820

    15,000 ASEA
    -- C3: 1,050
    -- C4: 4,000
    -- C5: 9,950

  • Director of the Office of Labor Statistics
    - Ex officio the President of the United States -
    7th of June, 2014

    Update of Statistical Data, June 2014

    Das Department of Commerce gibt die folgenden Änderungen und dadurch entstandenen neuen Werte bekannt, erhoben am 7. Juni 2014.

    Folgende Daten wurden zum 7. Juni 2014, 00:00 Uhr festgestellt:

      - Anzahl der Federal-IDs: 22
      - Anzahl der State-IDs: 23
      - Einwohnerzahl: 210,872,482
      - Erwerbsquote: 66.62%
      - Jährlicher Brutto-Durchschnittslohn: 45,880 $
      - Gesamtzahl der Beiträge im Forum: 301,436

    Daher ergeben sich folgende Änderungen (und dementsprechend neue Werte):

    [list]- Bevölkerungswachstum: +0.07%
    - Einwohnerzahl: 211.020.092 (+ 147,610)

    - Änderung der Erwerbsquote: +0.86%
    - Erwerbsquote: 67.48%

    - Änderung des jährlichen Durchschnittslohns: -0.1%
    - Jährlicher Durchschnittslohn: 45,834 $ (- 46 $)

  • Director of the Office of Labor Statistics
    - Ex officio the Secretary of Commerce -
    7th of July, 2014

    Update of Statistical Data, July 2014

    Das Department of Commerce gibt die folgenden Änderungen und dadurch entstandenen neuen Werte bekannt, erhoben am 7. Juli 2014.

    Folgende Daten wurden zum 7. Juli 2014, 00:00 Uhr festgestellt:

      - Anzahl der Federal-IDs: 21
      - Anzahl der State-IDs: 29
      - Einwohnerzahl: 211,020,092
      - Erwerbsquote: 67.48%
      - Jährlicher Brutto-Durchschnittslohn: 45,834 $
      - Gesamtzahl der Beiträge im Forum: 305,060

    Daher ergeben sich folgende Änderungen (und dementsprechend neue Werte):

    [list]- Bevölkerungswachstum: + 0.25%
    - Einwohnerzahl: 211,547,642 (+ 527,550)

    - Änderung der Erwerbsquote: + 0.716%
    - Erwerbsquote: 68.20%

    - Änderung des jährlichen Durchschnittslohns: - 0.1%
    - Jährlicher Durchschnittslohn: 45,788 $ (- 46 $)

  • - The Secretary of Commerce -
    7th of July, 2014

    Federal Salary List, June 2014

    Das Department of Commerce hat zum heutigen Tage die Gehälter für Juni ausbezahlt.

    Nachfolgend findet sich eine Statistik der ausgezahlten Gehälter, gebündelt nach Gehaltsgruppen.
    Die Anhänge beinhalten eine detailliertere Aufstellung der Gehaltsgruppen C1 bis C5.

    Federal Salary List for June 2014

    Federal Government
    A1: 1 x 20,000 $ = 20,000 $
    A2: 1 x 15,000 $ = 15,000 $
    A3: 3 x 15,000 $ = 45,000 $
    A4: 0
    = 80,000 $

    United States Congress
    B1: 2 x 16,500 $ = 33,000 $
    B2: 7 x 10,000 $ = 70,000 $
    B3: 3 x 14,000 $ = 42,000 $
    = 145,000 $

    Federal Authorities
    C1: 9 x 8,000 $ = 72,000 $
    C2: 256 x 7,000 $ = 1,792,000 $
    C3: 37,860 x 6,000 $ = 227,160,000 $
    C4: 199,110 x 5,000 $ = 995,550,000 $
    C5: 829,530 x 4,500 $ = 3,732,885,000 $
    = 4,957,459,000 $

    D1: 1 x 16,500 $ = 16,500 $
    D2: 2 x 15,000 $ = 30,000 $
    D3: 3 x 14,000 $ = 42,000 $
    = 88,500 $

    = 4,957,772,500 $ (Gesamt)

    Appendix I: Gehaltsgruppe C1

    0 Assistent Director of the United States Secret Service
    0 Associate Director of the Central Intelligence Service
    0 Deputy Director of the United States Secret Service
    0 Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations
    0 Deputy Director of the Office of Homeland Security
    220 General Officers of the Armed Forces
    -- 76 Army
    -- 54 Navy
    -- 70 Air Force
    -- 20 Marine Corps
    0 Privacy Protection Commissioner
    1 Press Secretary of the White House
    0 United States Attorney
    6 United States Marshal
    29 United States Minister Resident

    Appendix II: Gehaltsgruppe C2

    1 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
    0 Chief of the Capitol Police
    0 Chief of the Federal Reserve Bank Police
    0 Chief of the Military Police
    1 Chief of Naval Operations
    0 Chief of the Supreme Court of the United States Police
    1 Chief of Staff of the Army
    1 Chief of Staff of the Air Force
    1 Chief of Staff of the White House
    1 Commandant of the Marine Corps
    0 Commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission
    0 Commissioner of the United States Customs and Border Protection
    0 Director of the Astorian Space Exploration Association
    0 Director of the Banking Supervisory Authority?
    0 Director of the Central Intelligence Service
    0 Director of the Electoral Office
    0 Director of the Federal Aviation Administration
    0 Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations
    0 Director of the Federal Highway Administration
    0 Director of the Federal Railroad Administration
    1 Director of the Federal Reserve Bank
    0 Director of the Office of Homeland Security
    0 Director of the Office of Labor Statistics
    0 Director of the Registration Office
    0 Director of the United States Marshals Service
    0 Director of the United States Secret Service
    0 General Commander of the Military Intelligence Service
    1 Solicitor General
    1 United States Ambassador

    Appendix III: Gehaltsgruppe C3 bis C5

    650,000 Armed Forces
    -- C3: 22,750
    -- C4: 84,500
    -- C5: 542,750

    120,000 Department of Commerce (incl. FRB, CBP, OLS, Maritime Com.,
    Costal Guard, Railroad/Highway/Aviation Adm. plus respective Police Forces)
    -- C3: 4,200
    -- C4: 15,500
    -- C5: 100,300

    30,000 Department of Defence
    -- C3: 1,050
    -- C4: 3,900
    -- C5: 25,050

    50,000 FBI
    -- C3: 1,750
    -- C4: 6,500
    -- C5: 41,750

    4,000 United States Marshal Service
    -- C3: 140
    -- C4: 520
    -- C5: 3,340

    6,000 Secret Service
    -- C3: 210
    -- C4: 780
    -- C5: 5,010

    15,000 Military Intelligence Service
    -- C3: 525
    -- C4: 1,950
    -- C5: 12,525

    20,000 Central Intelligence Service
    -- C3: 700
    -- C4: 2,600
    -- C5: 16,700

    100,000 Department of Justice (incl. RO, EO, Federal Attorneys)
    -- C3: 3,500
    -- C4: 13,000
    -- C5: 83,500

    50,000 Department of State (incl. Foreign Service)
    -- C3: 1,750
    -- C4: 6,500
    -- C5: 41,750

    5,000 Executive Office of the President of the United States
    -- C3: 175
    -- C4: 650
    -- C5: 4,175

    500 Supreme Court and Federal Courts (incl. SCOTUS Police)
    -- C3: 20
    -- C4: 70
    -- C5: 410

    1,000 United States Congress (incl. Library, Capitol Police)
    -- C3: 40
    -- C4: 140
    -- C5: 820

    15,000 ASEA
    -- C3: 1,050
    -- C4: 4,000
    -- C5: 9,950

    Newman Building, Astoria City
    January 17th, 2016

    Registry of Approved Banking Institutions

    Name: Commerce Bank of Astor
    Sitz: Astoria City, AS
    Ansprechpersonen: Henry L. Browning (CEO)
    Zulassungsdatum: September 2nd, 2014

    Name: First Private Bank of Astor
    Sitz: Freyburg, AA
    Ansprechpersonen: Eric Baumgartner (CEO), Chester M. L. Huntington (CFO)
    Zulassungsdatum: October 8th, 2013

    Name: New Alcantara Private Bank
    Sitz: El Conjunto, NA
    Ansprechpersonen: Jack Riley (CEO)
    Zulassungsdatum: July 28th, 2014

    Name: Tessier Private Bank
    Sitz: Hamilton, FL
    Ansprechpersonen: Tessier-Armitage (President & CEO), Caroline Eames (CFO)
    Zulassungsdatum: September 28th, 2014

  • - Ex officio the Secretary of Commerce -
    Newman Building, Astoria City
    August 5th, 2014

    Update of Statistical Data, August 2014

    Das Office of Labor Statistics gibt die nachfolgenden Änderungen und dadurch entstandene neue Werte bekannt.

    Erhoben am 5. August 2014, 00:00

      -Anzahl der Federal-IDs: 21
      - Anzahl der State-IDs: 38
      - Einwohnerzahl: 211,547,642
      - Erwerbsquote: 68.20%
      - Jährlicher Brutto-Durchschnittslohn: 45,788 $
      - Gesamtzahl der Beiträge im Forum: 310,716 (195/Tag)

    Neuer Stand
    Ab 5. August 2014, 00:00

      - Bevölkerungswachstum: + 0.45%
      - Einwohnerzahl: 212,499,606 (+ 951,964)

      - Änderung der Erwerbsquote: + 2.20%
      - Erwerbsquote: 70.40%

      - Änderung des jährlichen Durchschnittslohns: 0.0%
      - Jährlicher Durchschnittslohn: 45,788 $ (+ 0 $)

  • Newman Building, Astoria State
    August 6th, 2014

    Federal Salary List, July 2014

    Das Department of Commerce hat in den vergangenen Tagen die Gehälter für Juli 2014 ausbezahlt.

    Nachfolgend findet sich eine Statistik der ausgezahlten Gehälter, gebündelt nach Gehaltsgruppen.
    Die Anhänge beinhalten eine detailliertere Aufstellung der Gehaltsgruppen C1 bis C5.

    Federal Salary List for June 2014

    Federal Government
    A1: 1 x 20,000 $ = 20,000 $
    A2: 1 x 15,000 $ = 15,000 $
    A3: 4 x 15,000 $ = 60,000 $
    A4: 0
    = 95,000 $

    United States Congress
    B1: 2 x 16,500 $ = 33,000 $
    B2: 7 x 10,000 $ = 70,000 $
    B3: 3 x 14,000 $ = 42,000 $
    = 145,000 $

    Federal Authorities
    C1: 12 x 8,000 $ = 96,000 $
    C2: 243 x 7,000 $ = 1,701,000 $
    C3: 37,328 x 6,000 $ = 223,968,000 $
    C4: 138,645 x 5,000 $ = 693,225,000 $
    C5: 890,528 x 4,500 $ = 4,007,376,000 $
    = 4,926,366,000 $

    D1: 1 x 16,500 $ = 16,500 $
    D2: 2 x 15,000 $ = 30,000 $
    D3: 3 x 14,000 $ = 42,000 $
    = 88,500 $

    = 4,926,694,500 $ (Gesamt)

    Appendix I: Gehaltsgruppe C1

    1 Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
    0 Chief of the Capitol Police
    0 Chief of the Federal Reserve Bank Police
    0 Chief of the Military Police
    1 Chief of Naval Operations
    0 Chief of the Supreme Court of the United States Police
    1 Chief of Staff of the Army
    1 Chief of Staff of the Air Force
    1 Chief of Staff of the White House
    1 Commandant of the Marine Corps
    0 Commissioner of the Federal Maritime Commission
    0 Commissioner of the United States Customs and Border Protection
    0 Director of the Astorian Space Exploration Association
    1 Director of the Central Intelligence Service
    0 Director of the Electoral Office
    0 Director of the Federal Aviation Administration
    0 Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations
    0 Director of the Federal Highway Administration
    1 Director of the Federal Railroad Administration
    1 Director of the Federal Reserve Bank
    0 Director of the Office of Homeland Security
    0 Director of the Office of Labor Statistics
    0 Director of the Registration Office
    0 Director of the United States Marshals Service
    0 Director of the United States Secret Service
    0 General Commander of the Military Intelligence Service
    1 Solicitor General
    2 United States Ambassador

    Appendix II: Gehaltsgruppe C2

    0 Assistent Director of the United States Secret Service
    0 Associate Director of the Central Intelligence Service
    1 Deputy Director of the Central Intelligence Service
    0 Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations
    0 Deputy Director of the Office of Homeland Security
    0 Deputy Director of the United States Secret Service
    220 General Officers of the Armed Forces
    -- 76 Army
    -- 54 Navy
    -- 70 Air Force
    -- 20 Marine Corps
    0 Privacy Protection Commissioner
    1 Press Secretary of the White House
    0 United States Attorney
    6 United States Marshal
    15 United States Minister Resident

    Appendix III: Gehaltsgruppe C3 bis C5

    650,000 Armed Forces
    -- C3: 22,750
    -- C4: 84,500
    -- C5: 542,750

    120,000 Department of Commerce (incl. FRB, CBP, OLS, Maritime Com.,
    Costal Guard, Railroad/Highway/Aviation Adm. plus respective Police Forces)
    -- C3: 4,200
    -- C4: 15,600
    -- C5: 100,200

    30,000 Department of Defence
    -- C3: 1,050
    -- C4: 3,900
    -- C5: 25,050

    50,000 FBI
    -- C3: 1,750
    -- C4: 6,500
    -- C5: 41,750

    4,000 United States Marshal Service
    -- C3: 140
    -- C4: 520
    -- C5: 3,340

    6,000 Secret Service
    -- C3: 210
    -- C4: 780
    -- C5: 5,010

    15,000 Military Intelligence Service
    -- C3: 525
    -- C4: 1,950
    -- C5: 12,525

    20,000 Central Intelligence Service
    -- C3: 700
    -- C4: 2,600
    -- C5: 16,700

    100,000 Department of Justice (incl. RO, EO, Federal Attorneys)
    -- C3: 3,500
    -- C4: 13,000
    -- C5: 83,500

    50,000 Department of State (incl. Foreign Service)
    -- C3: 1,750
    -- C4: 6,500
    -- C5: 41,750

    5,000 Executive Office of the President of the United States
    -- C3: 175
    -- C4: 650
    -- C5: 4,175

    500 Supreme Court and Federal Courts (incl. SCOTUS Police)
    -- C3: 18
    -- C4: 65
    -- C5: 417

    1,000 United States Congress (incl. Library, Capitol Police)
    -- C3: 35
    -- C4: 130
    -- C5: 835

    15,000 ASEA
    -- C3: 525
    -- C4: 1,950
    -- C5: 12,525

  • Newman Building, Astoria City
    August 13th, 2014

    Publication of Federal Income and Outgoings June & July 2014
    Based on the June & July 2014 Federal Budget Act


    Federal Income Tax Act: 97,289,745,539.98 $

    (in Million Dollar)

    Executive Office of the President

    1.                                                               999 /   1,000
      Leftover Funds:                                                              1

    Department of Commerce

    Department of Defence

    1.                                                             15,000 / 15,000
        a.                                                           22,400 / 22,400
        b.                                                              165 /    165
        a.                                                              250 /    250
        a.                                                            3,100 /  3,100
      Leftover Funds:                                                              0

    Department of State

    1.                                                               250 /     250
      Leftover Funds:                                                              0

    Department of Justice

    1.                                                             2,550 /   2,550
        a.                                                             300 /     300
        b.                                                             300 /     300
      Leftover Funds:                                                              0

    Sonstige Bundesbehörden

        a.                                                            2,000 /  2,000
        b.                                                            1,500 /  1,500
        c.                                                            2,000 /  2,000
        d.                                                              100 /    100
      Leftover Funds:                                                              0

    United States Congress

    1.                                                               250 /     250
      Leftover Funds:                                                              0

    Overall Leftover Funds: 1,001,000,000 $

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