Popular Senatorial By-Election Bill

Es gibt 7 Antworten in diesem Thema, welches 1.114 mal aufgerufen wurde. Der letzte Beitrag () ist von Kathleen Johnson.

  • Honorable Commoners!

    The question before the Assembly is on the passage of the Bill read by the Clerk.

    Votes can be entered into the Records of the Assembly by the YEAs and NAYs. The presence of a member not voting will also be put into the Records if declared (Present).

    An amount of 72 hours without increment is reserved for the entering into the Record. Records will be closed on this motion in the discretion of the Chair, if a majority on the motion is reached or can not be reached.

    (Kathleen Johnson, Speaker)

    Popular Senatorial By-Election Bill
    An Act to empower the people of Astoria to elect their new Senators.

    Section 1 - Abolishment of the Senatorial By-Election Act
    Der Senatorial By-Election Act ist aufgehoben.

    Section 2 - Coming-into force
    (1) Das Gesetz tritt nach Maßgabe der verfassungsrechtlichen Bestimmungen in Kraft.
    (2) Der Senatorial By-Election Act findet weiterhin Anwendung auf eine Nachbesetzung des Senatorenamtes, wenn die Vakanz vor Inkrafttreten dieses Gesetzes eingetreten ist.


    Kathleen Teresa Johnson (D-AS)

    Governor of the State of Astoria
    Former U.S. Senator for Astoria | Former Chairwoman, Congressional Committee on Justice and Ethics
    Former Commoner of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria | Former Speaker of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria

  • Yea.


    Kathleen Teresa Johnson (D-AS)

    Governor of the State of Astoria
    Former U.S. Senator for Astoria | Former Chairwoman, Congressional Committee on Justice and Ethics
    Former Commoner of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria | Former Speaker of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria

  • Honorable Commoners!

    The question before the Assembly is decided.

    With 0 Votes declared to be present, 3 Votes were entered into the Records validly.

    By Yeas and Nays:
    4x Yea
    1x Nay

    The Motion is agreed to.

    Explenatory Note:
    Die Stimmänderung von Commoner Kingston erfolgt nach Ablauf der Abstimmungsfrist und muss daher unberücksichtigt bleiben.

    (Kathleen Johnson, Speaker)


    Kathleen Teresa Johnson (D-AS)

    Governor of the State of Astoria
    Former U.S. Senator for Astoria | Former Chairwoman, Congressional Committee on Justice and Ethics
    Former Commoner of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria | Former Speaker of the Assembly of Representatives of the State of Astoria

  • David Clark

    Hat das Label Records (The Assembly - Astor 1.0) hinzugefügt

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